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Believing the victim, regardless …

I will admit upon hearing today that Kellyanne Conway says that she was a victim of sexual assault, my first thought was that it was a lie. It’s easy to believe that it’s a lie due to just how much she does it. The fact that she made this admission on CNN, which Trump claims is fake news, makes it all the easier to deny later. Of course once I calmed down, I realized that no woman would get any sympathy at Fox News for admitting to being sexually assaulted. I also realized that I had to believe her.
My response to every woman who’s so far come out against Kavanaugh is to believe the victim until evidence says otherwise. I know there are people who say that these women just want attention, but there are far easier and less harmful ways than coming forward to besmirch the reputation of a white, privileged man. After listening to Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, it was pretty obvious to me who I believed, and also obvious who had the temperament to be on a court of law (and it wasn’t the nominee).
As for Kellyanne, perhaps all this attention, that the people around her are all fuming about, has brought up the need to come forward herself. When you look at the statistics of women who are sexually assaulted, it really isn’t a surprise that this would happen to her. Of course, now that she’s come forward no one can understand how she could chose to be surrounded by such vile men. I wonder that myself.
Perhaps this is her way of dealing with what happened to her, either to punish herself, or more probably, to convince herself that she isn’t a victim. The fact that she helped put such a misogynistic man, who himself has been accused countless times of assault and harassment, into the highest office in this country takes on a much more interesting note. She wouldn’t be the first person to attach herself to an alpha male in order to make herself appear stronger than maybe down deep she truly feels. This is obviously my own speculation. Only she knows her true self.
Regardless, I believe her, and hope she's able to find a way to heal like other victims of sexual assault.

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